Datacube-OWS Styling JupyterHub Quick-Start Guide


This document assumes you have a working account with a JupyterHub-based ODC installation, e.g. DEA Sandbox.

Installing Datacube-ows

At the time of writing datacube-ows is not included in the standard DEA Sandbox build.

Simply installing via pip install in a JupyterHub tab is sufficient, but will not persist between sessions unless you have already set up a local virtual environment.

pip install datacube-ows

If you do not already have a local virtual environment set up, check that you have sufficient disk space available in your home directory (at least 3.5G), using a Jupyter Hub terminal tab:

df -h | awk '/home/{print $6, "has", $4, "of disk space available"}'

If you have sufficient space, you can create a virtual environment using the following commands in the Terminal tab:

# create new empty env in ~/.envs/odc directory
cd $HOME
mkdir $HOME/.envs
cd $HOME/.envs
/usr/bin/python3 -m venv ${EE}

# transplant modules from default env
(cd /env/lib; tar c .) | (cd ${EE}/lib; tar x)
# make sure base libs are up-to-date
./${EE}/bin/python3 -m pip install -U pip wheel setuptools

# Check that modules transplanted ok
./${EE}/bin/python3 -m pip list

# Install new kernel (tell jupyter about it)
./${EE}/bin/python3 -m ipykernel install --user --name 'ows' --display-name 'ODC (OWS)'

# Install datacube-ows into the new environment
./${EE}/bin/pip install datacube-ows

If you return to the Jupyter homepage, and the new environment should be visible.