OWS Configuration - Global Section

Global Section

The “global” section of the root configuration object contains config entries that apply to all services and all layers/coverages.

The Global section is always required and contains the following entries:

Metadata Separation and Internationalisation

The following global configuration items are relevant to metadata separation and internationalisation.

Message File (message_file)

The “message_file” entry gives the path to the message file.

Any metadata fields supplied in the metadata file will over-ride the values supplied in the configuration.

This is also used as the default message template file location by the datacube-ows-cfg (cfg_parser.py) utility when either extracting metadata from config or creating or updating translation templates.

The default is None/null, meaning no message file is used.

Note: the message_file configuration entry is not required (except as an intermediate step) if translations_directory is set. The order of metadata resolution is:

  1. If Internationalisation is active via the translations_directory config entry, take the value from the *.mo file corresponding to the best available language match for the request headers.

  2. If a translation for the metadata entry is not available, or if internationalisation is not active, get the value from the message_file if it is configured.

  3. Otherwise, fallback to the value in the main body of the config.

Message Domain (message_domain)

The message domain used by internationalisation. Defaults to “ows_cfg”.

Translations Directory (translations_directory)

The path to the directory containing translation subdirectories. Traditionally known as “locales”. Defaults to None, meaning no translation support.

Required for internationalisation.

Supported Languages (supported_languages)

A list of supported languages for internationalisation. Defaults to English only (['en']). The first language listed is treated as the default language, and it is assumed that all metadata in the main configuration and in the message file are in this default language, with all other supported languages being translations derived from the default.

List members should be two or three letter ISO-639 language code.

Internationalisation is activated if translations_directory points to a valid locales directory structure and supported_languages includes more than one language.


"message_file": "my_project_messages.po",
"message_domain": "my_project",
"translations_directory": "/config/translations",
"supported_languages": [
    "en", # English  - the default language, the language used in the untranslated metadata.
    "fr", # French
    "de", # German
    "sw", # Swahili
    "egy", # Ancient Egyptian - 3 letter ISO-639-2 codes are fine!

Service Title (title)

The “title” entry in the global section is a user-readable title that describes the server. This is written verbatim to the various Capabilities documents and is displayed to users by most clients.

This entry is a string and is required. E.g.:

"title": "My organisation's OpenDatacube OGC services.",

Information URL (info_url)

The “info_url” entry in the global section is a URL providing information about the service or the organisation providing it. It will be written to the Capabilities documents and will likely be presented to users browsing the service.

This entry is required and should be a valid URL. E.g.:

"info_url": "https://my.domain.com/about_us",

Service Selection (services)

The “services” entry in the global section declares which supported services this server instance will respond to. It should be a dictionary containing boolean members labelled with the lower case names of the services. E.g. to activate all supported services:

"services": {
   "wms": True,
   "wmts": True,
   "wcs": True

The services section may be omitted, in which case WCS will be deactivated, and WMS and WMTS will be active.

The server will not start if all services are set to False.

Response Headers (response_headers)

The “response_headers” entry in the global section defines HTTP headers that will be added to ALL server responses. It should be a dictionary mapping header names to values.

This entry is optional, and if omitted no special response headers are added.

This example shows a simple CORS header, and is strongly recommended as a minimum (unless you are handling CORS elsewhere in your deployment).

"response_headers": {
    "Access-Control-Allow-Origin": "*",

Allowed URLS (allowed_urls)

The “allowed_urls” entry in the global section defines allowed base URLs for service.

It should be a list of strings containing base URLs, and is required.

Requests received which do not match a Base URL in this list will return an error.


"allowed_urls": [
    # Common local dev URLs


Co-ordinate Reference Systems (published_CRSs)

The “published_CRSs” entry in the global sections declares the list of Co-ordinate Reference Systems supported by the server instance.

It should be a dictionary of dictionaries, with the labels being recognised by Proj4 (ideally EPSG codes, as in the example). Other CRS formats (i.e. ESRI style WKID) can be supported by adding them as aliases in your proj4 configuration.

The configuration for each Co-ordinate Reference System contains the following entries:


Boolean indicating whether the projection is geographic, i.e. uses degrees latitude and longitude as it’s co-ordinates. Required. Note that at least one geographic CRS must be published.


The label of the horizontal coordinate. Defaults to “longitude”.


The label of the vertical coordinate. Defaults to “latitude”.


Boolean, indicates whether the CRS expects the vertical coordinate to be given first. Defaults to False (horizontal coordinate first).

This section is required and must contain at least one geographical coordinate system (EPSG:4326 - aka WGS-84 is strongly recommended, but any geographical coordinate system will do). The non-geographic Web Mercator CRS (EPSG:3857) is also strongly recommended, and is required if WMTS is activated.


"published_CRSs": {
    "EPSG:3857": {  # Web Mercator
         "geographic": False,
         "horizontal_coord": "x",
         "vertical_coord": "y",
    "EPSG:4326": {  # WGS-84
        "geographic": True,
        "vertical_coord_first": True
    "EPSG:3577": {
        # GDA-94, An Albers projection with good equal-area properties over Australia.
        # Heavily used by Geoscience Australia
        "geographic": False,
        "horizontal_coord": "x",
        "vertical_coord": "y",


If unsure of an EPSG code, search in http://epsg.io/

Default Attribution (attribution)

Attributions can be declared at any level of the layer hierarchy, and are inherited by child layers from the parent layer unless over-ridden. An over-all default attribution may also be declared in the wms section, which will serve as the attribution for top-level layers that do not declare their own attribution section.

All attribution sections are optional.

If provided, the attribution section should be a dictionary containing the following members:


A user-readable title for the attribution (e.g. the name of the attributed organisation.)


A url for the attribution (e.g. the website address of the attributed organisation)


A dictionary (structure described below) describing a logo for the attribution (e.g. the logo of the attributed organisation.)

All of the above elements are optional, but at least one must be provided if the attribution section exists.

The structure of the logo section is as follows:


URL of the logo image. (Required if a logo is specified)


The MIME type of the logo image. Should match the file type of the image pointed to by the url. (Required if a logo is specified)


The width (in pixels) of the logo image (optional)


The height (in pixels) of the logo image (optional)


"attribution": {
     "title": "Acme Satellites",
     "url": "http://www.acme.com/satellites",
     "logo": {
         "width": 370,
         "height": 73,
         "url": "https://www.acme.com/satellites/images/acme-370x73.png",
         "format": "image/png",

Other Optional Metadata

The remainder of the “global” section contains various metadata entries that are written directly to the various Capabilities documents. All metadata in the “global” section applies to both WMS/WMTS and WCS. Some further WMS/WMTS-specific server-wide metadata can be configured in the “wms” section.

All entries listed here are optional and default to blank, or similar, as documented in the comments to this example:

# Abstract - longer description of the service (Note this text is used for both WM(T)S and WCS)
# Optional - defaults to empty string.
"abstract": """This web-service serves georectified raster data from our very own special Open Datacube instance.""",
# Keywords included for all services and products
# Optional - defaults to empty list.
"keywords": [
# Contact info.
# Optional but strongly recommended - defaults to blank.
"contact_info": {
    "person": "Firstname Surname",
    "organisation": "Acme Corporation",
    "position": "CIO (Chief Imaginary Officer)",
    "address": {
        "type": "postal",
        "address": "GPO Box 999",
        "city": "Metropolis",
        "state": "North Arcadia",
        "postcode": "12345",
        "country": "Elbonia",
    "telephone": "+61 2 1234 5678",
    "fax": "+61 2 1234 6789",
    "email": "test@example.com",
# If fees are charged for the use of the service, these can be described here in free text.
# If blank or not included, defaults to "none".
"fees": "",
# If there are constraints on access to the service, they can be described here in free text.
# If blank or not included, defaults to "none".
"access_constraints": "",