OWS Configuration - WMS Section

WMS Section

The “wms” section of the root configuration object contains config entries that apply to the WMS/WMTS services for all layers.

All entries apply identically to both WMS and WMTS services unless stated otherwise. All entries in the WMS section are optional and the entire section can therefore be omitted.

Max Tile Size (max_height/max_width)

Tile size is fixed for WMTS requests, so these entries only apply to WMS requests. Requests for tiles larger than the configured maximum height and width will result in an error. Note that many WMS clients do not honour the maximum width and height. For these clients, please consider using WMTS instead.

The max_width and max_height config entries in the wms section should be integers. Both entries are optional, and default to 256 if not set.


"max_height": 512,
"max_width": 512,

S3 Data URL Elements

These entries are used for constructing S3 data urls for use in GetFeatureInfo responses. This feature is restricted to data stored in AWS S3 and is fairly specialised to DEA requirements and may not be suitable for other use cases. All these entries are optional.


The base url exposing the public S3 bucket containing the data.


The name of the S3 bucket.


The AWS zone where the data is stored.


"s3_url": "http://data.au",
"s3_bucket": "s3_bucket_name",
"s3_aws_zone": "ap-southeast-2",

Identifier Authorities (authorities)

The authorities entry in the wms section defines URLs for the Identifier Authorities that can be used in the layer definitions. If you wish to declare identifiers for any of your layers, you must define the corresponding Identifier Authorities here.

This entry is optional. If not provided, no identifier authorities are declared and no identifiers can be assigned to layers.

Identifiers and Authorities only apply to WMS (not WMTS).

If provided, this entry should be a dictionary mapping authority labels to URLs.


"authorities": {
    "auth": "https://authoritative-authority.com",
    "idsrus": "https://www.identifiers-r-us.com",

GetCapabilities Cache Control Headers (caps_cache_maxage)

The caps_cache_maxage entry in the wms section controls the value of the Cache-control HTTP header returned with WMS/WMTS GetCapabilities responses.

caps_cache_maxage is an optional integer value that defaults to 0, and represents the maximum age in seconds that the Capabilities document should be cached.

Note that OWS does not manage any caching itself, this entry controls a standard HTTP header that instructs upstream cache layers (e.g. AWS Cloudfront) how to behave.

A value of zero means that OWS will recommend that the Capabilities document not be cached at all, and is the default. Note that setting this entry to a non-zero value will introduce additional delays between new data being added to the datacube index and that data being advertised as available through the service. This value should therefore be kept fairly short (e.g. a few hours at most).


“wms”: {

“caps_cache_maxage”: 3600, # 3600 seconds = 1 hour …
