OWS Configuration - WMTS Section

WMTS Section

The “wmts” section of the root configuration object contains config entries that apply only to WMTS service for all layers.

Note that the wms section also contains configuration that applies to the WMTS service.

All entries in the WMTS section are optional and the entire section can therefore be omitted.

Tile Matrix Sets (tile_matrix_sets)

A Tile Matrix Set is a way of breaking down a map into a standardised set of tiles at a number of different zoom levels. For further details, refer to the WMTS specification.

Datacube_ows always supports the de-facto standard Google-Maps compatible EPSG:3857-based tile matrix - you do not need to explicitly define it in configuration.

The tile_matrix_sets entry is a dictionary mapping WMTS tile matrix set identifiers to a tile matrix set definition.

The default value is an empty dictionary, which means ONLY the Google-style WholeWorld_WebMercator tile matrix set will be offered by the WMTS service.

Defining a custom tile matrix set

The Identifier

The identifier for a tile matrix set should be a unique identifier-like string. The identifier is the key in the tile_matrix_set dictionary.

CRS (crs)

The “crs” element of the tile matrix set definition is required and must be the name or alias of a published CRS.

Matrix Origin (matrix_origin)

The matrix origin element is required and must be a list of two floats, representing the coordinates in the specified CRS of the top-left corner of the tile matrix set. The horizontal coordinate should always be specified first here, regardless of the coordinate order convention of the CRS.

Tile Size (tile_size)

The tile size element is required and must be a list of two ints, representing the width and height respectively of a tile in pixels in the tile matrix set.

The tile size must be valid according to the max_width and max_height configuration in the wms section.

Scale Set (scale_set)

The scale set configuration is required and must be a list of floats representing the scale denominators for each zoom level. Refer to the WMTS spec for more details.

Well Known Scale Set (wkss)

wkss is optional, and if supplied should be a string containing a well known URN for the tile matrix set.

E.g. the wkss for the default Google tile matrix set is “urn:ogc:def:wkss:OGC:1.0:GoogleMapsCompatible”.

Force Raw CRS Name (force_raw_crs_name)

force_raw_crs_name is optional, defaults to False, and if supplied should be a boolean.

If True, the CRS for the Tile Matrix Set is published in GetCapabilities exactly as it appears in the configuration. If False, EPSG CRSs are published in GetCapabilities as a URN. (E.g. “urn:ogc:def:crs:EPSG::3857”)

Initial Offsets for Matrix Exponents (matrix_exponent_initial_offsets)

Datacube OWS offers only minimal control over the number of tiles available at each zoom level.

The default behaviour is to have a single tile for tile matrix 0, four tiles (2x2) at tile matrix 1, and generally 2**n by 2**n tiles at tile matrix n.

To override this behaviour a pair of integer exponent offsets can be supplied in the matrix_exponent_initial_offsets element. The offset for the horizontal dimension comes first.

The default behaviour is represented by setting both offsets to zero.

A positive offset represents the number of tiles along the relevant dimension in tile matrix 0. E.g. there would be 2**(n+offset) tiles along the relevant dimension in tile matrix n.

A negative offset is interpreted similarly, except if the number of tiles along a dimension would be less than 1, it is capped to 1.


Offset = 0: number of tiles along dimension: 1, 2, 4, 8, 16, …

Offset = 2: number of tiles along dimension: 4, 8, 16, 32

Offset = -2: number of tiles along dimension: 1, 1, 1, 2, 4, 8, 16, ….

Unit Coefficients (unit_coefficients)

The unit_coefficients elements captures two important factors for converting between tile row/column numbers and CRS coordinates. It is optional and should be a list of two floats, defaulting to (1.0, -1.0).

The first coefficient in the list is associated with horizontal axis and the second with the vertical axis.

The magnitude of the unit coefficient is the number of nominal metres per CRS coordinate unit. For CRSs calibrated in metres (e.g. northings/eastings), this will be 1.0.

The sign of the unit coefficient represents any transformation required to get from the coordinate direction conventions of the CRS to direction conventions of WMTS, which are:

  • Horizontal coordinate increases from left to right.

  • Vertical coordinate increases from top to bottom.

E.g. EPSG:3857 which is calibrating in metres northing and easting requires the default unit coefficients (1, -1). The -1 is to convert northings, which increase from south to north to image coordinates with north pointing upwards.


"wmts": {
    "tile_matrix_sets": {
        # VicGrid Geo-Cortex-compatible tile matrix set
        "VicGrid": {
            "crs": "EPSG:3111",
            "matrix_origin": (1786000.0, 3081000.0),
            "tile_size": (512, 512),
            "scale_set": [
            "matrix_exponent_initial_offsets": (1, 0),